Have you ever watched a plane fly overhead and wondered what it would look like if there were dozens more of them flying at the same time? You have? Well, photographer Cy Kuckenbaker has got you covered, with this awesome montage film he made of six hours' worth of San Diego International Airport departures condensed into half a minute of film.
Hope you're all doing well. Are you pumped for Fire Emblem: Awakening? You should be, man. I'm on JRPG overdrive at the moment, between that, Final Fantasy Tactics (which I'm still playing, I swear), and Ni no Kuni. Of all of those games, I think Fire Emblem might be my favorite. Check out Stephen's review, if you haven't.
Feel free to discuss JRPGs, or airplanes, or anything else, here or over in the Talk Amongst Yourselves forum. Have good chatting, and keep an eye on the skies.
(Via Laughing Squid)