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This Hilarious New Year's Eve Special Is A Class-Five Flaming Disaster

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It's okay to get a little bit sloppy on New Year's Eve, but this goes above and beyond. At the end of 2012, the Los Angeles station KDOC aired the special above, featuring Jamie Kennedy, Shannon Elizabeth, a totally lit Macy Gray, and a list of additional stars so scattered that it feels like parody.

That's all well and good, I suppose. But the moment the show started, the wheels just completely came off the bus—there's cursing on-air, weird fades and off-mike talking, bizarre interviews, and more. Above is a highlight reel originally uploaded by YouTuber Shaun Broyls, who promises he'll post an uncut version this weekend. It's a shitshow like no other, the kind of thing that, before the internet, would have been the stuff of urban legend and hastily copied VHS tapes. So, thanks, internet!


Update: It looks like this video is getting pulled from YouTube left and right, but if you look you can still find copies around, at least for the time being. It probably won't be up for long, so watch it while you can!


I trust that even if some of you had too much to drink on Monday night, you didn't screw anything up this badly. And if you did… well, hope it's not immortalized on YouTube.


It's almost the weekend already, somehow. Guess that happens when holidays land on a Tuesday. Talk TV, New Year's resolutions, or whatever else you like, here or over in the Talk Amongst Yourselves forum. Have good chatting, and watch out for Jamie Kennedy.

(Via Nels Anderson)