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Third Grader Explains Why Schools Should Have Video Games

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TED talks can range from informative lectures to absurd satire. But the most TED thing ever has to be this third grader's talk on why video games should, like, totally be in classrooms.

In a TEDxUniversityofStThomas talk called 'Individualization, failure and fun', third grader Cordell Steiner makes some valid points about why classrooms should have more interactive games. It is also super cute to watch. It's a bit like having a tiny Steve Jobs in a little turtleneck come out to a round of applause and say "I think we need to pivot on this whole idea of candy for breakfast". The talk is also a real de-ja-vu moment for anyone who was the way-too-smart kid that tried desperately to argue that, "no, video games can be a force of good." I definitely was, and I'm guessing a lot of you were too.

Keep doing what you're doing, Cordell. I think you're going places.

via The Daily Dot

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