Doug Wilson makes unusual games, like this one that you have to play on all fours, with a PlayStation Move controller tethered to your rear end. It's called Dog the Wag.
It's goofy. It's not quite his best game, though it might be his wackiest.
His best game is probably the graphics-less Johann Sebastian Joust, which won the innovation award at this week's Independent Games Festival Game Developer's Choice Awards. That one, also featured in the video above, is a game of subtle movement and sudden strikes. It's a game about making your opponent jolt their Move controller before they make you jolt yours. The game gets physical, as do all WIlson's games these days. He says they're really just an excuse for people to make physical contact.
WIlson's creations are strange, but they are silly fun. I didn't get on all fours for Dog the Wag, but I can vouch for Joust. You'd enjoy it, too.
Learn more about the upcoming J.S. Joust on the game's official page. For Dog the Wag, well, you've got this video!