Artist's Credit: Glenn Rankin/Smithsonian Institution.
Greetings, readers. Today marks the 12th Monday—and week—of the year. Yes, that's a dozen particularly dreadful rings of the alarm clock since your bright-eyed days of resolution-making.
I don't count the weeks, mind you. It's just that Google Calendar allows for the display of Week Numbers. Useful? Nah, just strange.
Anyway, here are some funnies up for discussion, straight from the great well that is the Internet.
- How was that for a season finale to AMC's The Walking Dead? - I won't spoil anything in case you haven't seen it, but... well, I guess that bars me from saying anything at all.
- The new and second trailer for Ridley Scott's summer flick, Prometheus - It shares a "same general universe" with Alien, but perhaps not as a bona fide prequel. Either way, chilling first lines, chilling first shots.
- Recent research on why the giant squid's eyes are so disproportionately large - It involves perhaps one of nature's more badass duels: giant squid vs. sperm whale. I'm sure you all can think of some better ones.
- Some acoustic music that all but shouts: "Take heart!" - This piece comes to us through Wisconsin-based record label CandyRat Records. You can't go wrong listening to some of their other stuff.
- A spicy meatball of a goal from Fernando Llorente - Skip to the 1:00 mark for this incredible volley, performed in the penalty box via an assist from the guy's own half. A spicy meatball indeed, and against a moderately prestigious club, right?
That's a wrap! The floor for discussion is now... officially... open.