Last year, the first Pokémon manholes were installed in Japan. A year later, there are now one hundred of them in the country.
Pokémon manholes, dubbed Poké Futa (ポケふた) or Poké Lid, have been installed in a variety of prefectures, including Hokkaido, Iwate, Fukushima, Kagawa and more.
The latest six are in Tokyo’s Machida, making them the first in the Metropolitan area.

These manholes are located in Serigaya Park.

As previously reported, this is part of a project called Pokémon Local Acts, which tries to drum up local tourism. Manhole-spotting is a popular pastime when traveling within Japan, and folks enjoy checking out the different manholes across the country. With more and more Poké Lids being installed, that will become easier and easier.
Check out this site to locate the Pocket Monster themed utility hole covers across Japan.