Hey, whaddya know, it's cosplay superstar Omi Gibson, kicking this week's round-up off with some blood-soaked dress-ups based on No More Heroes. Joining her is a cute little Zelda couple, some Black Widow and Tekken.
There's even some Arrietty cosplay. Because, you know. That movie was adorable. Shut up.
To see the larger pics in all their glory (or so you can save them as wallpaper), right-click on the "expand" icon on the main image above and select "open in new tab".
Fancy Pants is a look at the world of cosplay (costume play), where people dress up as their favorite video game characters. Sometimes it works! Sometimes it...yeah.
As seen on TheBird-TheBee.
As seen on Rayi-kun.
As seen on RainbowBruises.
As seen on k-iricos.
As seen on Vera-Chimera.
As seen on BadLuckKitty.
As seen on CatalystSirene.
As seen on hexlord.
As seen on Miyukiko.
As seen on ForeverAdel.
As seen on Omi Gibson.