In celebration of the PlayStation Experience event, today 14 more games were added to the PlayStation Network, with the promised PS2 (and one remastered PS1) classics, PC titles making their PlayStation debut and a couple all new titles. Let’s see what we’ve got.
First off is the the first batch of PlayStation 2 games.
I’ve got Rogue Galaxy downloading now—it’s really the only one that interests me at the $14.99 price point, though The Mark of Kri is quite tempting.
Five new games hit the PlayStation 4 today, though several of them—one in particular—are very familiar.
That’s right, on the same day as we get our first glimpse of Final Fantasy VII’s long-awaited remaster in action, we can spend $10.87 on an upscaled port!
We’ve got Vlambeer’s Nuclear Throne, which is a hoot and a half.
The Bit Trip compiles all six Bit-Trip games into one stupidly cheap package. Definitely picking that up, especially since I don’t have a Wii to kick around anymore.
Guns Up is a very Clash of Clans sort of game.
It’s free-to-play with a ton of microtransactions, so start paying-to-win early I guess.
Also available (without screenshots, darnit) is Fat Princess Adventures, a casual action RPG with four-player co-op online and off. It’s $20, so until I see more I’m holding.
Finally, the Vita finally gets Bastion at a ridiculously low price.
If you don’t have Bastion and own a Vita, don’t be dumb.
And that’s fourteen new (or new to the platform at least) games to play today. Fifteen if you count immediately getting access to the beta when paying $15 to preorder Armature’s Dead Star, which I do not.
See anything you like?
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