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The Year I Appeared In A Comiket Doujinshi With Hideo Kojima

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As 2009 draws to a close, it's time to look back and reflect. A lot has happened, and a lot has not. Funny, that. But it's not over yet, and there's still things left to be done.

Like appearing in a doujinshi at this year's Comic Market — something I didn't even know about until I read about it on the internet. Funny, that.

At this year's Comiket Japanese blogger jin115 is releasing a limited edition self published work titled "Ore-teki 2009 nen Tokuhon" or "My 2009 Year Reading Book". It's a collection of the humorous ASCII comics jin creates for his posts.


And look! There I am with Hideo Kojima. Drunk and sweaty. And Hideo Kojima, not. Hooray.


Jin did a humorous account of attending our Tokyo reader party and then meeting the Metal Gear creator at said party.

Comic Market will take place at Tokyo Big Sight from December 29, 30 and 31. If you swing by, be sure to say "hi" to jin.


「オレ的ゲーム速報」の同人誌を冬コミで販売します [オレ的ゲーム速報@刃 via Hobby Blog]