Ray Cox, known in the gaming world as Stallion83, previously held the world record for being the first person to get 1 million points in Xbox achievements. Yesterday, he beat his own record by bringing his Gamerscore to 2 million.
Cox streamed the achievement on Twitch, which he completed by playing Halo 2 from the Master Chief collection. He told Guinness World Records, “Halo is my favourite [sic] franchise so when I fired it (Halo: The Master Chief Collection) up while searching for a game, it hit me that it should be the game I use.”
Cox got his first Xbox achievement on November 22, 2005, he told Guinness. According to his Twitter, that achievement was for “unlocking Cluster Buster in Hexic HD.” In 2014 he became the first person to attain 1 million points, earning himself a lifetime Xbox Live Gold membership in the process. Cox told Guinness that he’s not sure if he’ll go for 3 million points, but said, “I’ll always love video games and achievements and I’ll always be playing and going for them.”
You can watch the whole stream here (if you have 8 hours to spare).