What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
QUOTE | "GTA V to steal everyone's attention in front of E3." - Analysts explain how GTA V, in typical Rockstar fashion, is going to take the industry by storm next year, possibly by grabbing the limelight during E3.
QUOTE | "PS3 has a performance advantage over 360." - Team Ninja Leader Yosuke Hayashi gives the edge to PS3 in a special feature on console horsepower and how much more is left this generation.
QUOTE | "Zynga exists because EA, Blizzard, failed to step in." - Richard Garriott explains how the MMO is threatened by the social game, and how he's going to challenge Blizzard.
STAT | $1.1 billion – The amount of money Wedbush Securities' Michael Pachter believes Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will makein the first 6 weeks.
QUOTE | "The retail model has always been and still is broken." - Dino Patti, CEO of Limbo developer Playdead, talks up the digital distribution model and how "inefficient" retail is for the games business.
QUOTE | "Virtual buttons still totally suck." - Impressions from a near-finished Grand Theft Auto 3 for mobile haven't been great and IndustryGamers wonders if it's going to ruin the GTA experience.
QUOTE | "GameStop is not developing its own tablet at this time. " - GameStop spokesperson Wendy Dominguez, explaining why GameStop is introducing Android tablets without a GameStop label, but pre-loaded with 6 games and a wireless controller option.
QUOTE | "It takes an immense amount of time to create a game." - Team Krinoid's John Peters on one of the lessons they learned creating a game company out a college game design project.
STAT | $200 million – The amount of revenue that EA's social games revenue could hit for fiscal 2012, thanks to the stellar performance of The Sims Social.
QUOTE | "There is never a dull moment." - Tammy Levine, EA's VP of Public Relations, explaining what it's like to be a PR professional in the games industry.
QUOTE | "Video games can be designed to optimize the development of creativity." - Findings from a new study by Michigan State University looked into whether kids get more creative when exposed to video games.
This Week In the Business courtesy of IndustryGamers.com
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