Once exclusive to the Epic Games Store, Satisfactory is making the jump to Steam this week.
I enjoyed my brief time with Satisfactory, but it never clicked with me like I was hoping. Something about building complex systems in first-person didn’t work with the way my brain is wired. I’ve seen folks making amazing things in that game though, so I know it’s just a personal problem and not something wrong with the game.
Beyond Satisfactory coming to Steam, other stuff is coming out too. Check out the full list below:
Monday, June 8
- Pixel Bombs | PC
- Cannonship | PC
- Heretic’s Lot: Prologue | PC
- Edge of Dreams | PC
- Satisfactory | PC
- Cute Triplets | PC
Tuesday, June 9
- 1971 Project Helios | PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC
- Ys: Memories of Celceta | PS4
- Jump King | PS4, Xbox One, Switch
- Project Warlock | PS4
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor | PS4, Xbox One
- HopBound | PC
- P.A.I.N.T | PC
- Pussy Puzzle | PC, Mac
- The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes | PC
Wednesday, June 10
- Demon’s Tier+ | Xbox One
- Gunbird 2 | PC
- Isle of Spirits | Xbox One, PC, Mac
- Firechief | PS4
- Firefighters - Airport Heroes | PS4
- Pity Pit | PS4
- Newton’s Cradle Puzzle Game | PC, Mac
- Drekirokr - Dusk of the Dragon | PC
Thursday, June 11
- Evan’s Remains | PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, Mac
- Project Warlock | Switch
- Samurai Shodown NeoGeo Collection | PC
- Beyond Blue | PS4, Xbox One, PC
- Samurai Shodown | PC
- Ancestors Legacy | Switch
- Depth of Extinction | PS4
- Glass Masquerade Double Pack | Switch
- Magazine Mogul | Switch
- Jumper Starman | PC
Friday, June 12
- Warborn | PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC
- Project Warlock | Xbox One
- Goosebumps: Dead Of Night | Xbox One, PC
- Zaccaria Pinball | PS4
- Super Soccer Blast | PS4
- House Flipper | Switch
- Pew Pew | Switch
- Half Dead | Switch
- Dots 8 | Switch
- Rogue Robots | Switch
- Super Toy Cars 2 | Switch
- Inops | PC
- NewCity | PC
- Warren The Warlock | PC
- ACT | PC
Saturday, June 13
- Whisper | PC
- Widgets and Gidgets | PC