Depending on your gaming tastes, you may not have seen much of the work of Toshiaki Takayama. Which is a shame, because his work is incredible.
Takayama's work in the video game field (he's contributed to anime, trading card games and books as well) has turned up in Japanese arcade titles like Lord of Vermilion, Sangokushi Taisen and Eternal Wheel, while he's also contributing to Konami's upcoming console title Neverdead.
If you've never heard of LoV or Sangokushi Taisen before, that's because they're uniquely Japanese arcade games that combine tabletop card gaming with arcade displays (sort of like Eye of Judgement, only in arcades). You don't often see them outside of Japan, but in the home islands, they take up their fair share of arcade floor space.
You can see more of Takayama's work at his personal site.
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