Yay! It's The Sun! Let's check in, see what they've got to say about video games today. And it's...not about crime. Not about parenting. It's all about...hospital!
Yes, according to the Sun's team of crack medical experts, the Nintendo Wii is putting ten Britons a week into hospital for injuries sustained while playing the console. The number - quoted only in the headline - is of course totally unsubstantiated, but hey, where's the fun in substantiating!
They do get one bloke in on record, though. Dr Dev Mukerjee, of Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex. He reckons:
There has been a 100 per cent increase in patients complaining of Wii-itis. I’ve seen many patients aged between eight and 13 — and I’ve seen adults.
It’s possible that Wii-itus may lead to rheumatism and arthritis in later life. Patients often have inflammation of the shoulder or wrist.
Oh. Emm. Gee. Treatment for these grievous injuries includes cortisone injections and anti-inflammatory painkillers, so at least there'll be some drug-induced light at the end of the play-your-gran-at-Wii-Tennis-for-the-third-year-running tunnel.
Wii puts 10 in hospital a week [The Sun]