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The Splash Hills Of Sonic The Hedgehog 4

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Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 website updated yesterday, with new screens showing off the verdant Splash Hills Zone, Dr. Eggman's character profile, and a little free music to whet your appetite for some old school hedgehog action.

If the latest update to the Sonic 4 website doesn't convince you that Sega is on the right track, then nothing will. Just look at these screens...that's the Sonic the Hedgehog I fell in love with right there.

The new update also includes profile information for the second major character in the game, bad old Dr. Eggman. From the description:

After losing the Master Emerald during his last encounter with Sonic, Eggman regroups with a new objective; to revisit and refine the best of his creations in an effort to finally rid himself of Sonic!


Let's play with those words a bit, shall we?

After losing track of what made Sonic the Hedgehog great during its last several encounters with Sonic, Sega regroups with a new objective; to revisit and refine the best of its creations in an effort to finally rid itself of whining Sonic fans!


It's an allegory, or something.

Head over to the official Sonic the Hedgehog 4 website for more information, and don't forget to stop by the music downloads section for a free MP3 of the Splash Hills Zone music. It's incredibly catchy.
