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The Soul Still Burns for the Week in Gaming Apps

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How does one of the greatest fighting games of all time wind up one of our least favorite gaming apps of the week? Was it the power of Chopin, the combination of Minesweeper and Minecraft, or the $11.99 price tag?

I'm going to go with the price tag. If SoulCalibur for iOS was just a little less expensive than $12 (regularly $15, mind you) then perhaps Kirk would have been a bit more forgiving about the controls. Or perhaps not. I don't know what goes on in Kirk's head, nor do I want to. It's all jazzy in there.

I'm a little more of a classical music fan myself, at least after spending a week with Frederic — Resurrection of Music. If you're gonna bring out a pan, might as well make it a show pan, am I right?



If you have a suggestion for an app for the iPhone, iPad, Android or Windows Phone 7 that you'd like to see highlighted, let us know.


When Minesweeper Met Minecraft, a Gaming App Love Story


Mine: To extract ore or minerals from the earth. Mine: An explosive device used to destroy enemy personnel, shipping, fortifications, or equipment. Minecraft Sweeper: An explosive Android app about extracting ore and minerals from the earth used to destroy any free time you might have accumulated. More »

Finally a Strong Contender for Best Game Starring Classical Composer Frederic Chopin


For years I've had to deal with those insufferable Eternal Sonata fans boasting about how their game was the only one to star 18th century romantic composer Frederic Chopin as a playable character. Guess what, Sonatees? There's a new game in town, and it makes yours look like cheap anime RPG fluff. More »

Another Classy Video Game Port Succumbs to Assy Touch-Screen Controls


There's this thing about fighting games-you really have to play them. They're like a musical instrument, like a drum set; there's this whole physical level of interaction you have with them that goes beyond the input required in the average video game. There's a reason that games like Street Fighter IV encourage humongous arcade-style joysticks; these games are at their best when players have a large instrument to bludgeon and finesse. More »

In This Game, You Roll Dice to Fight Fires, Of Course


If someone can add zombies to Minesweeper (and do it well) then who am I to stop someone else from making a dice game out of firefighting? It has been done, and it's good. More »

You Got to Know When to Hold ‘Em, and Know When to Flip ‘Em


The most clever twist of FlipShip didn't reveal itself to me until, about a half-dozen rounds into this top-down shooter, I finished a game with a score of exactly zero. Then I realized that this game wasn't predicated on twitch skills but knowing, in an arcade sense, when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. Or, in this case, when to flip 'em. More »