Funcom's massively multiplayer supernatural conspiracy game for the PC gets an April 2012 target today at Gamescom, along with a new trailer and news about how you can sign up to participate in beta testing events. Intriguied?
I passed intruiged long ago when it comes to The Secret World. Now I'm bordering on obsessed, and there are still what, eight months to go before the game comes out? I'm going to go completely insane.
"It has never been more rewarding working on The Secret World than it is now," says Senior Producer and Creative Director Ragnar Tørnquist. "The progress we are making in development allows the whole team to really enjoy just playing the game for hours on end. We are all looking forward to bringing in players through upcoming betas, and their feedback will be crucial to the further development of the game as we progress toward the April 2012 launch."
Damn you and your 2012 launch. With beta testing registration coming on August 26 to, perhaps the wait won't be quite as painful.