The head start for Carbine Studio's new science fiction MMO WildStar kicked off early this morning, giving birth to thousands of weird little animal people with giant eyes. We're going to follow one of them into the wilds of the legendary Planet Nexus.
The little mouse critter is my new character, Rande, an Aurin Spellslinger Adventurer. That means he shoots things with magic and likes to hop around a lot, just like me. Right now I'm playing catch up, for when the game launched this morning at 3 am Eastern, a fallen tree had interrupted our electricity, forcing me to fall asleep out of sheer boredom once my phone ran out of charge.
But now I am here, and I am ready for adventure! Watch me do all of the things right here.
Update: The stream is over, but the archive cannot be missed, especially the first 20 minutes, in which I play harmonica and a little guitar while waiting in the sever queue.