All those years watching Seinfeld, and I never noticed this, so thanks to Tim Rogers for the pic: turns out the media shelf in the background of Jerry’s apartment, which is mostly full of his old VHS tapes (like Navy Seals!), is also home to a few NES games.
You can clearly see SimCity there (which is actually the SNES version; the NES version was cancelled before release), along with Nintendo World Cup. A different shot, posted earlier this year on r/seinfeld, shows he also has a copy of Tetris, and apparently Super Strike Volleyball as well.
I don’t ever remember seeing a NES under his TV, let alone Jerry playing a game during an episode, so who knows what they’re doing there. Maybe they’re a reminder of his more carefree days. Maybe they’re just hat tips from some set dressers.
Whatever it is, here’s the trailer for Navy Seals.
And, well, this seems appropriate.
Total Recall is a look back at the history of video games through their characters, franchises, developers and trends.