Ukrainian artist Protsenko Pavel has a thing for Mass Effect 2, leaving us with this..interesting gallery, where men look like fire-proof war machines while women look like sexy little pin-up models.
Pavel appears to be compositing different elements of screenshots and actual photographs together, which explains why in some cases the character's joints look...wrong. Still, overall the effect is great!
You could go on about his feelings on gender representation, since Garrus and Grunt are shown walking through fire with guns drawn instead of reclining by a pool with towels draped over their alien junk (or, conversely, that the ladies aren't also walking through fire), but it's too nice a day for that, so let's just enjoy the pretty pictures instead.
Oh, and before you hit the gallery, you should know that while there's nothing here you wouldn't see in a fashion mag (or Alien Mercenary's Digest), there's still a lot of skin on display, so if you're at the office you may want to wait until you get home.