So often, we get asked for advice on what to buy - not games, necessarily, but major purchases. Hardware. This week, Kotaku published its first series of buyers' guides, delivering our whys and why-nots for all major consoles and handhelds.
We're going to be updating and adding to these as the landscape changes, of course. This is not a one-shot guide that went off in mid-2010 never to be heard from again. So, if you're ever seeking advice or get hit up for it from a friend or distant family member who's pegged you as "the gamer" with all the answers, just bookmark our Buyer's Guide Tag. It'll pop up our pros and cons, whys and why nots, for laying down the cash needed to get into a console, or get more out of the one you enjoy.
• Should You Buy An Xbox 360?
• Should You Buy A PlayStation 3?
• Should You Buy A Wii?
• Should You Buy A Nintendo DS?
• Should You Buy A PSP?
• Should You Buy an iPhone or iPod Touch For Gaming?
• Should You Buy an iPad for Gaming?