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The Genesis Of The Doctor Who Adventure Games

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Following Saturday's BBC broadcast of the latest episode of Doctor Who, fans were treated to their first glimpse of the new Doctor Who: The Adventure Games in action, and now we're treating you.

The BBC officially announced Doctor Who: The Adventure Games last week, bringing fans of the nearly 50-year-old series the first real computer games based on the property in ages. Tapping the talents of development studio Sumo Digital and adventure game great Charles Cecil, the four games will be released free via the BBC starting in May, each considered a piece of Doctor Who canon.

And now we have a trailer, which might have been the most exciting thing about the third episode of the Eleventh Doctor's run. "Victory of the Daleks" seemed mostly an excuse for The Doctor to shout in the faces of his longtime enemies, while Amy Pond saves the day not once, but twice in one episode. She's the world's most insightful kiss-o-gram. The Doctor simply goes into space, shouts at the mighty morphing power Daleks, disables a shield, and ineffectually makes an android sob.


I was not impressed, yet my viewing experience was heightened greatly by this trailer for the upcoming computer games.


The episode the BBC is highlighting there seems to have direct ties to Saturday's broadcast. We see the new model Daleks roaming the streets of a destroyed 1960s London, with The Doctor and Amy running about, pushing cars, and exploring tunnels.


Yes, it's definitely Doctor Who.

The first episode of the adventure game series should be available from the BBC on June 5. It may or may not be available for international fans, though considering it's a free downloadable title I'm sure it'll shortly be making the rounds.