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The Game In Which You Film A High Schooler, And Hit On A Mom

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Gachitora! ~Hooligan Teacher in High School~ lives up to its name. The main character, Torao Kaji, is a thug turned teacher.

Besides chasing down a photographer who is stalking a student, Kaji also takes a schoolgirl to a love hotel, films that student in hopes of helping her overcome her shyness and uploads the footage to the internet. He also tries to take a student's mother to a love hotel.


Doesn't sound like there's much studying going on in this game - in the classroom, that is.


Oh, and there's a side-scrolling shoot'em up arcade-style mini-game, too. Players need to get a high school to help another student.


Gachitora! ~Hooligan Teacher in High School~ is out in Japan on April 21 on the PSP.

「ガチトラ! 〜暴れん坊教師 in High School〜」,生徒達の悩みを解決するミニゲームの一部&「喧嘩番長5 漢の法則」との連動要素が公開に(ガチトラ! 〜暴れん坊教師 in High School〜) [4Gamer]