The secrets of the Order of the Knights Templar and the Holy Grail unravel in The First Templar, Kalypso Media's combat-heavy cooperative third-person historical action game. The blood flows like wine in the latest gameplay trailer.
Due out in May for the Xbox 360 and Windows PC, The Last Templar is the tale of a young French Templar and a noblewoman turned proclaimed heretic, an unlikely pair that join forces to uncover the secrets surrounding corruption in the ranks of the Knights Templar, an adventure that will put them at odds with the Saracen, King Philip of France and the Holy Inquisition.
The setting, combined with the dynamic combat seen in this trailer, could make for an entertaining exploration of one of the most famous Western Christian military orders of the Middle Ages. While it's not looking like much at the moment, the setting and story could pull it through in the long run.
Or it might just give us an excuse to quote Monty Python. Either way.