The year 2156 arrives 147 years earlier than anticipated, as the post-apocalyptic massively-multiplayer online game Fallen Earth gears up for a September launch.
Fallen Earth is a skill-based MMO that combines the experience gain and skill advancement of traditional online role-playing games with the accuracy and fast action of a first-person shooter. The game is set in the Grand Canyon in the year 2156, where six warring factions struggle for control of resources and towns, each attempting to further their own goals, from rebuilding civilization to furthering the destruction that's already laid waste to the planet. Crafters should definitely look into the game, as 95% of the items found in Fallen Earth will be player-made, courtesy of a real-time crafting system.
The game will be going live on September 9th, with copies available both at retail and through digital distribution. Those interested in giving the game a go before launch can still head over to the game's website and sign up for a chance at a beta slot, but hurry - the end is nigh.