Ludwig, formerly of Twitch and now of YouTube Gaming, won a small Among Us tournament a while back, and as his prize was offered the chance to receive a one-of-a-kind, hand-made GameCube controller.
It could be anything he wanted. Anything his heart desired. It could have been Among Us-themed, to commemorate his victory. It could have been based on Smash. It could have been covered in F-Zero livery. The possibilities were endless.
Instead, he chose this. ‘Dick and Balls’. As Mel reports:
When Michael asked what kind of custom controller he wanted, Ahgren responded, “Oh, I want a dick and balls.” Confused, Michael tried to follow up with Ahgren to make sure he really wanted a controller made to look like a penis. “I reached out to a few of his roommates and they were like, ‘Yeah, just run with it,’” he says. “And so, I did exactly that.”
And so we got this. At first, SFW glance, it simply appears to be a flesh-coloured GameCube controller, themed somewhere between “desert combat” and “stretched human skin.”

Flip it over, however, and we see it in all its glory.

That sure is a set of big veiny balls, sticking out the undercarriage (I’m sorry) of a GameCube controller. Is it practical, in a N64 controller handle kind of way? No. It is simply a statement piece. Look at me, playing Billy Hatcher. Look at me and my giant GameCube balls.
If you’re also wondering, “Where is the dick, I thought this was called a ‘Dick and Balls controller’?” there is a dick. It could only really have been in one of two places, and making little dick thumbsticks would have been a little much. So instead the dick can be found on the controller plug

This controller didn’t just make itself. It was a team project, led by SickNastee, but with loads of help from controller painter Design Out Of Shield, along with @ToastyTilapia, @CVSmashMods and @riennezelda as well.
As for the controller’s recipient, he seems to be enjoying it as much as it could and should be enjoyed:
If you like what you see here, and nobody is judging anybody, SickNastee was kind enough to share some work-in-progress shots of the controller being made. I will warn you ahead of time though: the paint job on the controller plug is unsettlingly good.

I warned you.