Meet Big Fazeek, Max1m, War Princess, Gaymer, Mo Chocolate, and the rest of the cast of season two of Sony's PlayStation Network reality show The Tester, in which players compete for one of the worst jobs in the gaming industry.
The first season of The Tester gave us an interesting look at the sort of ridiculous things people will do in order to secure a spot as a Sony game tester, and while we mourn the loss of such season one greats as Luge, Amped, and Big D, the second season brings us 12 new competitors to live vicariously through.
In the front row, from left to right, we've got Boo, Ches-Ka, War Princess, Gaymer, 8bit-mickey, and Fantasy Girl. In the back are Big Fazeek, Samurai, Scooter, Tripplethreat, Max1m, and Mo Chocolate.
It should be an interesting mix of personalities. Boo was a high school nerd who now does modeling. Gaymer was voted Mr. Gay San Diego 2010. Tripplethreat is a self-confessed "pwner" who's into cosplay. Max1m has a number in his name, so he's out in episode one.
My money is on Big Fazeek. The guy has a lot of heart. In his bio vid, which you can check out at the cast website, he admits to not having a girlfriend or a social life because he's gaming all the time. That sort of sincerity can take you a long way, as long as you don't pass out during the show's more strenuous physical challenges.
Meet the Complete Season 2 Cast of The Tester! [PlayStation Blog]