Over the past couple of decades, Final Fantasy has done many things very well: stories, characters, art direction, chocobos, all that jazz. But one thing has always made Final Fantasy stand out among its peers: the music.
Most of the credit for that music goes to Nobuo Uematsu, the tremendously talented composer responsible for the beeps and bloops behind Square Enix's ubiquitous RPG series.
Uematsu turns 55 today, and on this Very Special Edition of Random Encounters, we're celebrating all he's done for RPGs by posting a bunch of his finest work. Below are some of the best tracks in Final Fantasy, presented in no particular order. (Feel free to post your own favorites in the comments, too.)
Final Fantasy - Prelude
Classic. The track that started it all.
Final Fantasy VII - Aeris's Theme
Final Fantasy IV - Troian Beauty
One of my favorites. Way underappreciated.
Final Fantasy IV - Boss Battle
This track is really good at pumping you up.
Final Fantasy VI - Epitaph
:( Poor Daryl.
Final Fantasy IX - Crossing Those Hills
Almost makes up for the crazy random encounter rate on the FFIX world map.
Final Fantasy V - Battle with Gilgamesh
Man, Gilgamesh is such a ridiculous series staple. I hope he shows up in FFXV.
Final Fantasy VI - Aria Di Mezzo Carattere
The Opera House scene is up there for Best RPG Scene Ever.
Final Fantasy VII - Cid's Theme
Regal, grand, wonderful.
Post your own favorites—and other Uematsu thoughts—below.
Random Encounters is a weekly column dedicated to all things JRPG. It runs every Friday at 3pm ET. You can reach Jason at jason@kotaku.com or on Twitter at @jasonschreier.