The creators of Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers are going to need a bit more time with their third game, BattleBlock Theater, an Xbox 360 title that is "becoming so much more than we ever expected," says developer The Behemoth.
Not necessarily known for their speediness, but more for their fun, expertly animated downloadable games, The Behemoth writes on its development blog that BattleBlock Theater "feels like no other game out there" and the extra work required means it won't see release in 2010. There's not a whole lot of 2010 left, so that's not much of a surprise, but it appears BattleBlock Theater (aka "Game 3") may ultimately be very different from the early versions we've played at Comic-Con and PAX East.
Hopefully we'll hear more about the direction of BattleBlock Theater soon. Until then, we can always play more Castle Crashers... which is coming soon to PlayStation Network in Japan!
a date, a confession, and toys [The Behemoth Development Blog]