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The Beautiful Anatomy of A Video Game Controller

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What lies beneath the plastic skin of your PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 controllers? If concept artist Mads Peitersen was designing the gamepads we play with, they'd be bony, fleshy living things with teeth.

Peitersen's anatomical paintings of the DualShock and Xbox 360 controller (and the iPhone!) are awesome works of art, but they're also the creepiest game controllers we've seen this side of eXistenZ. Let's hope this is just the tip of the artistic iceberg, because I'm personally curious to see the guts of a Wii Remote and Atari 2600 joystick.

Check out the rest of Peitersen's work at deviantArt, where one can buy this in print form if their heart desires.


Madspeitersen [deviantArt]