Surprise, the Assassin’s Creed movie is trash. But it’s not all bad; some of the movie’s effects are quite nice, in particular the Animus’ interface and other shots of computers doing their thing.
Work on these visuals was led by Ash Thorpe, who has shared videos and screens of all the stuff he put together for the movie.
It’s funny, there’s a consistent look across all of it that reminds me of a different Ubisoft game: Watch Dogs 2, which also goes nuts for black, white and clean lines.
While Thorpe designed and directed the visuals, he worked as part of a team to actually get them on the screen:
Graphics Programmer/Animator - Ryan Cashman
Producer - Monica Thorp
VFX Cinematographer - Kevin Joelson
Reel Edit - Franck Deron
Music - Plaid - Tokyo Drive
You can see more images from Ash’s work on the movie at his personal site.
To see the images in their native resolution, click on the “expand” button in the top-left corner.
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