The Art Of Battlefield 2042

A look behind the scenes at DICE's latest Battlefield game
Image: Battlefield 2042
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Now that Battlefield 2042 is out, the game’s artists are free to showcase their work on industry portfolio site ArtStation. As has been the case with pretty much every game in the series, there is some incredible stuff to enjoy, regardless of your thoughts on the game itself.

Below you’ll find a cross-section of work from throughout Battlefield 2042's development, from concept art to character designs to gun models, created by DICE artists, former DICE artists, and contractors alike. It’s not everything from everyone involved on the project, but it’s enough to give us a good look at how the game’s direction and overall vibe was laid down in the years ahead of release.

What I find most interesting is some of the early concept stuff. The game has not shipped with any world-building single-player content at all, unlike previous Battlefield games. Yet there are pieces here showing events like the rescue of civilians from natural disasters, and characters/scenarios we don’t see in the final game (or in the pre-release Exodus short film).

Even if single-player wasn’t planned at any stage of development, then at least a lot of thought went into the game’s depiction of a world suffering from extreme climate change, and the characters that players were going to be picking from to fight in it.

While the game has rightly attracted criticism since its botched launch, I’ve also found a lot to enjoy amidst the wreckage. That’s a pretty wide cultural chasm to have to deal with on a daily basis, so I’m hoping to review the game next week, and try and make a bit more sense of things.

You’ll find links to each artist’s portfolio embedded in their names below. If you’d instead like to just see a curated highlights package, then ArtStation’s Art Blast page is a good place to start.

Lars Sowig

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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042

Jonas Åkerlund

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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042

Per Haagensen

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Image: Battlefield 2042

Felix Bauer-Schlichtegroll

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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042

Frej Appel

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Kimya Sheikh

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Jakub Kowalczyk

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Hvile Öhrnell

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Pedram Karimfazli

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Joel Dabrosin

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Image: Battlefield 2042

Sebastian Salvo

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Image: Battlefield 2042

Per Jeppsson

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Image: Battlefield 2042

Gabriel Wigren

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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042

Nicolas Gekko

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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042
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Image: Battlefield 2042

Oskar Wetterbrandt

Marcel Fontes