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The All-Android Week In Gaming Apps, As Foretold By Prophecy

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What took the promised all-Android Week in Gaming apps so long? If you ask me, I blame Android.


You see, while other platforms are standardized and uniform, Android covers a wide variety of devices, and not all of them work with all peripherals. For instance, the new Nexus 7 doesn't use the older MHL HDMI standard, which meant I had to buy a new adapter, which I finally purchased from the most casual shipper in the entire universe. It'll arrive here approximately "don't worry about it, man."


So I used my hands, and made a lengthy video that not many of you will watch. All the games in the video are Android. Some might be available on other platforms, but this week there are no other platforms — there is only Android. Eleven games that, for the purposes of this special edition of The Week in Gaming Apps, only exist on Android devices.


Did I miss your favorite Android game? That's to be expected, really — I only did 11, and how much of an install base does Android have? Most of it? Yeah, odds there's a game you are playing that is not on this list. That's where the comments section comes in. You get the format, add your own, but only after checking out...

What I Played This Week

Containment: The Zombie Puzzler — $1.99

I had heard from other people how wonderful this mash-up of survival horror and match puzzles was, but still I was not prepared for the amazing. It tells a story, it travels the mean, undead streets. It's a glorious creation.


Simon the Sorcerer — $3.99

One of the greatest PC adventure games of all time. Makes me wish we had touchscreen computers when I was a kid.


Skylanders Cloud Patrol - $1.99

Import your Skylanders from the codes on the cards you doubtlessly saved after opening them, and use them to shoot down these stupid little creatures in a simple-yet-satisfying shooting gallery of value. You do have Skylanders toys, don't you? Okay fine, just buy them in the game.


Little Galaxy — $.99

A simply gorgeous orbital platformer — yeah, I'm claiming it's a genre now. The textures are so lovely, and the gameplay so simple — well, simple at first. It reminds me of the Little Prince, which reminds me that I am old.


Box Cat — $.99

It's a cat. It's also a box. It's Box Cat, getting into traffic and knocking cars off of the road with his powerful fore-body. You should really just watch the video. Box Cat.


Delta-V Racing — $.99

If futuristic racer Wipeout was a 2D game, it would look something like this. An interesting twist on one of my favorite sub-genres.


Gear Jack -- $.99

I love the style of this challenging little level-based runner. Not sure I like how many times I die in each level though.


Astro Boy Dash — Free

Do I really need to explain what this game is? Hint: It's Astro Boy, and he is dashing. No, not suave and debonair. Well, he is, but that's not the point.


Rope Escape: Atlantis — Free

I like swinging. I love swinging, really, and the core mechanic in this game is swinging. It's a little heavy on the adds and light on polish, but the swinging keeps me playing. It's the simple things.


Hell, The Dungeon Again! — $.99

I skim past this one a bit in the video, because roguelikes — especially those with retro graphics and a movement mechanic that requires you to cover those graphics — are better played than watched.


Quiz RPG: World of Mystic Wiz — Free

This is just brilliant. It's Puzzles & Dragons, with the monster collecting and evolution, only instead of match puzzles, you're answering trivia questions. I am so freaking addicted to this stupid game I could pee.