James Vega can be an easy character to overlook, in Mass Effect 3. He's just another human guy, and the final game in the trilogy is the first time he appears. He hides out down in the Normandy's cargo bay, a little out of the way when Shepard's just making the rounds.
But James Vega, too, is a character with feelings, hopes, and dreams, and one particular artist on Tumblr has been having a bit of fun with a packet of crayons and this space marine's inner life.
In The Adventures of James Vega (rad dude) and More Adventures of James Vega (cool bro), we get an up-close and personal look at day-to-day life as one of Shepard's crew.
So much of Mass Effect is so gut-wrenchingly serious that it's nice to see a sillier take. But no matter how crayon-scribbled the note, Mr. Vega and I clearly agree on one thing: banshees are a definite Do Not Want.
A selection of scenes from both adventures can be found here; scope out the original posts for more.
The Adventures of James Vega (rad dude) [munkeestuff's tumblr]
More Adventures of James Vega (cool bro) [munkeestuff's tumblr]