Resident Evil 2 is a good looking video game, so it shouldn’t be too surprising that it contains a damn fine looking burger. I want to eat it. Give me that greasy, gooey cheeseburger.
Thanks to Gasp on Twitter, we have a fantastic close-up look at the burger model that appears in the Resident Evil 2 remake. This seems to be the same burger model used in the opening cutscene of RE2.
Burger-tech in video games has come a long way over the years. For example, here’s what a burger looked like back in Doom 3.
Looks more like a toy than a piece of food. I’d still eat it, because I love cheeseburgers. But I imagine it would be hard to eat. Seems like a lot of chewing would be needed to get through that plastic-looking hamburger.
Both of these burgers look better than the one I got from a YouTuber earlier this year.