Xbox 360 owners can begin to explore the mystery behind the world's fastest video game character's need for a car today, as a demo and premium theme for Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing show up on Xbox Live.
1GB of free space and an Xbox Live Gold subscription are all you need to feel the speed of Sonic the Hedgehog's car, which could very well be the new fastest video game character in the world. I mean, Sonic feels the need to drive it instead of running, and if it's faster than Sonic, then well logic dictates that it gets the crown. Unless of course Sonic loses to his friends, in which case my little world gets turned upside down once again.
For those of you who'd rather pay for your Sonic-themed stuff, Sega has also released a Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing premium theme on Xbox Live today, delivering 240 Microsoft points worth of menus directly to your console. Check out more pics of the theme at the Sonic City Blognik, conveniently linked below.
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 360 Demo / Theme Out Now! [Sonic City Blognik]