Happy Monday! Several Kotaku staffers are recovering from serious overloads of awesome after being at PAX East. You can discuss PAX East and more here in Kotaku's official forum, known affectionately as Talk Amongst Yourselves. This is the place where we gather on a daily basis to discuss all things video game and existential. Want to talk about new games, old games, games that aren't even out yet? Knock yourselves out!
Sure, Amnesia is the scariest game in recent memory, but imagine coming upon this dinner party in one of the horror game's creepy environments. Something about Mr Marsu's TAYpic makes the dour faces from the Isabella painting even more sinister. They must be eating something verboten, no? Like human flesh or limburger cheese?
You can do funny things with pictures, right? Want everyone on this fine web forum to see? Here's what you do. Post your masterpieces in the #TAYpics thread. Don't forget to keep your image in a 16x9 ratio if you want a slice of Talk Amongst Yourselves glory. Grab the base image here. The best ones will be featured in future installments of Talk Amongst Yourselves. Create something wonderful, won't you?