When I think about diversity in last year’s crop of big-budget games I can see the bright spots. Some of…
2020 was a terrible year in many, many ways, but we did get some great games too. Hades, Ghost of Tsushima, Fall…
Wow, what’s a year it’s been. I memorized the pattern of tiny paint bubbles on the wall behind my computer monitor.…
As many year-end articles will remind you—not that you needed reminding—2020's been rough. That made it harder than…
2020 sucked. You know it, I know it. It was amid this chaotic year that the fighting game community found itself…
I can’t believe the year is almost over. 2020 has felt interminable. Between work, taking care of my kid, a new book…
The past year has been one endless, pitch-black night with a single burning, incandescent star: video games. I mean,…
This is the first time I’m doing one of these…well, professionally, at least. I was hired at Kotaku right before the…
It has been a bad year. A bad year with, mercifully, some very good video games.
Despite the harrowing circumstances impacting the world, 2020 was a stand-out year for PlayStation.
What’s in a name? When it comes to games... not much. Games can be great and have terrible, awful, dumb names. In…
When I first sat down to put together this list, I wrote down two titles and then sat and thought for a while about…
When people ask me to name my game of the decade, I pause. There are so many. I took away hard-won lessons from some…
2019 was a year filled some damn good games. Baba Is You, Resident Evil 2, Control, The Outer Worlds and many more…
I’m the biggest sucker for a good PRESS START screen. For all the many hours I spend with a game, I reserve a lot of…
For Christmas this year, my GF and I went to her parents’ home and chilled out all day there. We ate brunch and…
Video game clothes are usually either very good—like every single thing Bayonetta wears, or all of Jesse Faden’s…
In this, my most enormous video yet, I tried to capture the essence of what I believe to be the secretly best year…
2019 was a weird year for games. Some great stuff was released in the last 12 months, but there was also a lot of…
There are only a handful of days left before the year draws to a close. There were triumphs and tragedies. Let’s…