The Enduro bike isn’t the only suitable vehicle in GTA V for wild custom stunt maps. The Vespa bike might be…
Horror games have one simple purpose: scaring you. They’re fueled by long moments of tension which erupt in a brief…
After a successful ten-and-a-half-year run, the Xbox 360 is officially saying goodbye. One might even say it’s…
Monaco and DOOM 3 BFG Edition are now backwards compatible on Xbox One, the company announced today. The list seems to grow every few days, and if Microsoft can keep pace, it’ll be an impressive library by the end of 2016.
Microsoft’s announced Outland and Gunstar Heroes are now available on Xbox One, thanks to backwards compatibility. Most people didn’t play Outland, but that game’s totally bad ass, and you should change that ASAP.
Gaming headsets don’t generally do elegant. They do bright and flashy, looking either as loud as they sound or like…
Dead Space is backwards compatible on Xbox One, as of today. If you don’t already own a copy of the horror shooter, hold on; the game will be part of the Games With Gold lineup next month.
Left 4 Dead 2 is now backwards compatible on Xbox One, Microsoft announced today. Rumors of another Left 4 Dead game have been floating around for ages, but nothing’s surfaced.
Microsoft’s announced that Halo Wars, Soul Calibur 2, and King of Fighters ‘98 are now backwards compatible on Xbox One. It sure seems like Microsoft is getting these games out at a rapid clip now!
Nearly impossible, custom-made parkour maps are a popular part of GTA Online, with their very own community. They…
Xbox fans are getting one hell of a lineup next month.
Fans of SyFy’s Defiance were disappointed when the show was canceled late last year after three seasons of…
Here’s what Xbox Live Gold subscribers will be getting next month.
Dark Souls will soon be backwards compatible on Xbox One, according to the Australian pre-order page for Dark Souls 3. I’m still waiting on a HD remaster of Demon’s Souls, honestly.
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Four Xbox 360 games become backwards-compatible on the Xbox One today: Sam and Max: Beyond Time and Space, Alan Wake’s American Nightmare, Lego Batman and Trials HD. Read more
Uno was one of Xbox Live Arcade’s best games in the early years, a fact that’s been somewhat forgotten because all…
When we last saw Lara Croft, she was growing out of being a victim. A victim of fate, of other people’s aggression,…
Not long after Sony announced what’s coming next month, Microsoft has followed suit, with four games that’ll come…
Activision has finally, officially, announced PlatinumGames’ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan,…
Although Mighty No. 9, the Megaman-like, crowdfunded platformer, was originally expected in April 2015, its release…