Hi, gamers! Were you having a good day today? If so, I apologize for bumming you out, but here's a chart from a…
Starting today, Super Mario Galaxy 2, New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Wii Sports Resort are just $29.99 each. That's the value equivalent of paying $10 for a non-first-party Wii game. Imagine how cheap they'll be when the Wii U's successor has been out for almost a year!
Drawing a realistic 3D Yoshi from Mario Kart with chalk is one thing, but the way the fine folks at the AweMeChannel…
One of the popular theories about why the Wii U has struggled is that it just might have the wrong name. Millions of…
More of a sabertooth turtle dinosaur, I suppose. This is Slobber Tooth, and he's one of the latest non-splitting Skyl…
Disney's collectible toy video game platform launches tomorrow, which means parents and fans will be raiding video…
Despite being his year, everyone's beloved second banana can't keep up with the Wii Fit Trainer on Masahiro Sakurai's new Smash Bros. screenshot. Or is that some sort of an attack move disguised as an excercise? Read more
When we posted something about an awesome Super Smash Bros. mod that makes Captain Falcon's final smash glorious, a…
Taking a break from marking up used games, GameStop announced today that preorders were open for the chain-exclusive …
GameStop is charging a whopping $90 for used copies of a Wii game—and it's leading some fans to voice some serious…
Nintendo today sued a Miami-based modding business saying its operation "blatantly promotes and sells unauthorized…
In a recent interview at QuakeCon, Bethesda's Pete Hines explained to Joystiq why they're not bringing any of their…
Brand confusion has long been an issue for the Wii U. Thanks to the confusing name and the similarities between the…
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will get a second game this year, one based on the Nickelodeon TV show, Activision…
Angry Birds vaulted to megahit success on smartphones. If you’ve been in a plane, train or automobile with more…
You can't write headlines much weirder than that, but it is not in dispute that Keith Wiens, a retired Royal…
Local TV news discovers Wii bowling at old folks' homes. Film at 11. [Deadspin] Read more
Dragon Quest X was conspicuously absent from E3 and its Wii U version may not make it to the west. A PC version…
Dragon Quest X is an online game. And for the past year, the game's real money trade (selling virtual items for real…
Gotta catch 'em all, and save money in the process.