After more than three years of tracking Nintendo stats, I'm done. Monster Hunter wins. Smash Bros. comes in second.…
Every month we dig into the numbers to find out which 20 Wii games are played the most by the average person who has…
Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the all-star fighting game, is no longer the most-loved Wii game. Three years since we…
Next month will be historic. This month is merely nearly historic. Smash Bros. clings to the top spot as America's…
Monster Hunter is on course to beat Smash Bros. while, lower Rock Band 2 continues to tangle with... Run Factory…
We toil each month to show you which Wii games get played the most by Wii owners. But which games do people buy or…
Do you see movement? I see movement. LOTS of shifting as games move up and down in our ranking of most avidly-played…
Any game can sell. But any game that sells can collect dust a week after it is bought. These are the 20 games that…
Every month we here at Kotaku crunch some numbers and tell you which 10 Wii games get played the most, per gamer, on…
As of April 1, 2010, the Wii game that gets played the most by the people who have it is still Super Smash Bros.…
At last, a new game on the list!
The average amount of time a person plays New Super Mario Bros. is climbing quickly and could catch Super Mario…
Welcome to a month of declines. Every month we at Kotaku show which Wii games have racked up the most playing time,…
Modern Warfare usually is discussed as a major franchise for the Xbox 360 and PS3 and is subject for debate on the…
As 2010 begins, Kotaku's monthly tabulation of the most avidly-played Wii games continues. As always, these are not…
Following up yesterday's Kotaku report of Wii play-time stats, here's how much time some of the bigger Wii games of…
Here's the list of games that get played the most per user on the Wii that we track once a month. Subtle changes…
EA and Activision have released dozens of games on the Wii, and sold a bunch. But once people get these games home,…
Lots to discuss about these stats this month, as Call of Duty rises to fourth and Guitar Hero III begins to dip.…
Kotaku readers, you never let me down. I asked you yesterday to share your Wii playing history — as determined in…