Listen, Space Partner, if we don't figure out how to work together, the space bunnies are going to die horrible,…
Someone recommended that I play "this weird dancing game" at PAX East. I wasn't sure what to expect when I saw…
Life Goes On embraces death in a way that most games don't. Sure, lots of platformers embrace death in the sense…
Life is stressful and sometimes even the bravest people shut down under too much trauma. Darkest Dungeon takes that…
Some games ask you to shoot, jump or strategize in ways that are similar to what you've done. Sure, there may be…
Hyper Light Drifter, a game we've been psyched about since we first saw it on Kickstarter last year, continues to…
Straight out of PAX East 2014, here's Below, a serene dungeon crawler from Capy, the company behind Clash of Heroes…
What happens when your crazy backwards music game is a commercial failure? For Matt Gilgenbach, the answer was…
I got a beta code for Dead Island:Epidemic. I didn't love Dead Island. I couldn't get into DOTA 2. So I didn't…
New mega-crossover game J-Stars Victory Versus lets you battle as 52 different characters from across 32 different S…
Look at those happy people dancing. It's because they love their goat friend. Unfortunately, their goat friend…
Maybe you're going to pick up Infamous: Second Son tonight at midnight. Maybe you're going to start downloading it…
Retro Game Crunch was a pretty crazy Kickstarter idea: Three developers would take votes on a theme every month and…
Heart&Slash is about a robot finding its place in a harsh world. With swords. And guns. And fists. And…
In Deception IV: Blood Ties you play a demon princess whose castle is being constantly invaded by heroes. Your only…
Mini Metro is a simple game about trying to design an efficient train system in a rapidly evolving city. It's…
One of the very first games I ever made a video for at Kotaku, One Finger Death Punch is a really simple, fun game…
There's something to be said about making an honest game, and Tower of Guns is the definition of that: Honest. It's…
Any time a new game comes out, don't you want to see it in action before you buy it? If so, then you should check…