Considering how violent video games have been scapegoated by gun-rights hardliners, this defense seems to come from…
A nine-year-old Orlando, Fla. boy—"so tiny ... he could barely see the judge over the podium"—was sentenced to home…
Perhaps in response to yesterday's Fox News debacle, this amazing Dorkly comic totally nails the way television…

Talk show host Elisabeth Hasselbeck, speaking on Fox & Friends following the horrific shooting in Washington, D.C.…

Covering sports video games means I can take a break from the politically motivated and manipulated controversy of…
Activision has gone out and hired a lobbyist—one of the biggest lobbying firms in Washington—for representation when …

Last week, an eight-year-old boy picked up a loaded gun and shot his grandmother in the head a few minutes after…
Though she "did seem to get it," when lawyers for California and the games industry were arguing before the Supreme…
The ESRB's ever familiar ratings badges will get a slight graphical tweak for the first time since 1999, but the wording is the biggest change. No longer will the label say "content rated by" over "ESRB." Why the text change? ESRB president Patricia Vance said it "provides for a cleaner look." [Polygon]
The absurd monthlong standoff down under has at last been resolved: Saints Row IV has been granted classification…
The heir to a €50 million fortune has confessed to killing his father with a spiked bat he said was inspired by the…
Researchers at the University of Queensland in Australia gathered 64 students together and had them each play either…
We first got wind of the "Delta Six," a super-realistic assault-rifle controller for those who like to put the FP…
Years ago, all LEGO minifigures had a placid, happy expression and a pointedly non-ethnic skintone that fit their…
Today's cops are, apparently, throwing their guns all over the place, says a police training expert. One guy threw…
Crime is a constant feature of video games writing. Somewhere, someone is doing something illicit with them—sometimes…

The teenager accused of plotting a bombing attack on his school in Albany, Ore., wanted his car stereo to blare the C…
New Jersey's state senate voted unanimously for a program that will print up a bunch of pamphlets about the dangers of scary, scary video games and send them home with schoolchildren. The bill, sponsored by Democrats, now moves to the state Assembly.

American gamers love first-person shooters, but imagine a game console that didn't have any. Imagine one with no…

This isn’t the first time Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro has name-checked video games in a rant meant to inflame people…