The video game industry has declared war against used games, and one of the biggest casualties might be GameFly, the…
There's been a lot of chatter this week about used games, mostly spurred by the news that Xbox One games will come…
It's a simple question: "Can the PlayStation 4 play used games?" After nearly a year of rumors, speculation and…
Hard times could be getting harder for GameStop, the massive store chain that buys and sells video games all across…
This last week I took my annual trip to the US to visit family. Like always, while I was there, I made sure to hit…
Gamestop CEO Paul Raines knows that his business isn't exactly a favorite of most developers, who see the…
Used games: you love them, need them and want to marry them. Publishers and developers blame the second-hand market…
Rumors continue to swirl about the next iterations of the PlayStation and Xbox consoles. With nearly nothing…
Many, many rumors continue to fly around the internet concerning the future of Microsoft and Sony's game consoles.…
GameStop stores in California will now have to warn you when their used games come with one-time-use online passes…
The next generation of gaming consoles might not play used games. Sounds terrible, right? Maybe not.
Secondhand games have been the bread and butter of retail chain GameStop for years, and the target of publishers'…
The head of America's biggest chain of game shops said he thinks it is "unlikely" that the next Xbox will block the…
In today's profanity and insult-laden Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Skeletal-Minion tells us exactly what he thinks…
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit released more than a year ago, but a NeoGAF member recently picked up a new,…
There are certain disadvantages to locating your game-centric retail store next to a big box electronics outfit, as…
As it did with Resistance 3, Sony plans to impose its "PSN Pass" on Uncharted 3, meaning multiplayer access to that…
In Oregon, when I trade my games in, I'm required to certify there is no lien against them, like the IRS wants my…
Late this spring in Kyoto, an 8-year-old kid left his gaming pouch in the restroom at his local supermarket. The…
In comments yesterday, Electronic Arts' chief financial officer suggested that Online Pass—the program under which…