Cara Ellison's excellent "Embed With" (geddit?) series chronicles her experiences temporarily living with various…

Hello, my darlings! It is me, tim rogers, founder and director of Action Button Entertainment, currently directing…

Indie Game: The Infomercial. "If StarCraft is a sport, Divekick is a crime scene." That's Action Button founder (and sometime Kotaku contributor) Tim Rogers giving his trademark infomercial-style pitch for Divekick, an absurd two-button fighting game he did not make but would still like for you to play.

If you're going to make a video pitching your new indie game, might as well go full-infomercial with it.
Up for a lengthy, design-oriented review of The Last of Us? Game designer and sometime Kotaku contributor Tim Rogers has got you covered, with a terrific, meaty write-up over at
The dust has settled a bit, and opinions about BioShock Infinite are still all over the place. A couple new things worth checking out: First of all, erstwhile Kotaku contributor Tim Rogers has written a typically sprawling, highly enjoyable review of the game over at Second, Cameron Kunzelman has… Read more
I've been writing for Kotaku, off and on, since 2007. I've been reading it longer than that. One of the accounts I…

On 7 January 2013, Sony announced they had stopped production of the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system.…

Many people who went to film school will tell you that film school made them hate watching films. In a similar…

Over the past couple of days I've been playing the balls off of TNNS, Action Button Entertainment's new…

Final Fantasy VII's Wikipedia entry is 6,596 words.The Wikipedia entry for William Shakespeare is 5,999 words. Let's…

Allow me to apologize, on the behalf of all game developers, for the 2012 Electronic Entertainment Expo.

I can summarize my experience designing user interfaces like this: if you were to place a refrigerator and a toilet…
Many ruder-than-scientific words exist for "homosexual"; the faceless internet crams my inbox with them every day.

[Editor's Note: Every month, we pay Tim Rogers to share his unique view of video games. But Tim has gone and made a…
The 2012 Consumer Electronics Show has come and gone, and still no smell-o-vision inventor has stepped forward to…

I was designing a user interface for someone else's social game the other day, and I was completely oblivious that…

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is my one of my favorite games released in 2011. Here's why I hate it.
Anyone who knows me knows that my second-favorite hobby (after making sure my fingernails have no white parts) is…