Last week, Sony's PlayStation 3 had the rare privilege of claiming the top spot on Media Create's hardware chart,…
The PlayStation 3 outsold the Wii and Xbox 360 in Japan this week. It also outsold the Nintendo DSi, PSP, DS Lite…
How did Microsoft manage to sell more Xbox 360s than the competition this week in Japan? With a little help from…
Sales of consoles and portable hardware in Japan saw healthier sales this week, most likely due to strong sales of…
Japanese gamers just aren't buying hardware right now. Sales are way, way down from the same point last year, with…
Japanese gamers started ramping up their hardware purchases this week, giving the Media Create hardware chart a…
If you thought hardware sales in Japan couldn't bottom out any harder than they did last week, we ask you to…
Japan is in no rush to get back to its regular video game hardware buying habits, with sales cooling across the…