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Mario & Luigi, Street Fighter Help Turn Japanese Hardware Sales Around

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Sales of consoles and portable hardware in Japan saw healthier sales this week, most likely due to strong sales of games like Street Fighter IV and Mario & Luigi RPG3!!!.

It wasn't exactly the kind of boost that will see console manufacturers and game publishers popping bottles of Cristal, but it was enough to turn around weeks worth of lowering numbers. Up was the Nintendo DS and DSi, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360, each with about a 10-15% in sell through numbers.

For the console war run down, Japan-style, for the week of February 9th to the 15th, read on.

  • Nintendo DSi - 53,483
  • PSP - 34,256
  • Wii - 21,016
  • PlayStation 3 - 18,656
  • Nintendo DS Lite - 14,810
  • Xbox 360 - 9,833
  • PlayStation 2 - 5,332