Oh look. Somebody is voting for Skyrim as Game of the Year. How shocking.
There's no credit given forFancyPantz is the creator of this mod—which takes the giant spiders found in Bethesda's…
Believe it or not, Skyrim was not necessarily a shoo-in for our list of the best video game music of 2011. Epic…
The Wall Street Journal's Adam Najberg likes playing some video games, which gives him a leg up on some of his…
Let's say you want to make your Skyrim character look really different, but don't want to have he/she looking like Li…
Nothing says CHRISTMAS SPIRIT like synchronising an expensive set of blinking lights to video game theme music.
Happily, the newest official patch for Skyrim will allow the game to make use of up to 4 Gigabytes of RAM, as…
It's East meets West. A Japanese gamer has inserted Final Fantasy XIII heroine Lightning into The Elder Scrolls V:…
Last week, I was so happy to publish a feature about the incredible screenshots of DeadEndThrills, a.k.a. Duncan…
While modders have been working tirelessly since Skyrim's release to improve things like the game's graphics and…
Amidst some back-slapping and self-congratulation over the impressive sales of Skyrim since its release (10 million…
The Icenhancer graphic mod for Grand Theft Auto IV turns Rockstar's game into something some could mistake for film,…
During this year's Tokyo Game Show, this one Japanese dude I met kept going on and on about the game he was looking…
First we have Wired magazine's Geek Dad mock-fretting that the wonderful time-sink of Skyrim may be hurting the…
There's an exploit in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that allows players to put a bucket on characters' heads and…
The last time we saw some concept art from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, it was from Ray Lederer, and featured loads…
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a great game with a great world and great music.
Taking one page out of EpicMealTime and another out of some book in Skyrim about helmets made of bacon, internet…
Some pacifists are nice people who wouldn’t harm an elf. Others would cast a spell on a town full of people and have…
That's the thing about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; even the game's many bugs are spectacular.