Look at the detail on this statue of Alduin, the badass villain of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The plated scales, the…

From High Hrothgar to the Guardian Stones! From Dragonsreach to Wolfskull Cave! Where the hell is Dovahkiin?
Downloadable content. Everyone hates it—but everyone buys it. Yes, even you in the comments, smart guy. Here's a…
Game Informer has posted the first screenshot from The Elder Scrolls Online. Sure looks like a fantasy MMO to me!

There's no gameplay in this new teaser for Bethesda's upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game, but…
The issue of Game Informer packed with info on the newly-announced Elder Scrolls MMO is already in some people's…

Today, Bethesda officially announced The Elder Scrolls Online, which will allow players to enter the vast land of…
People often ask if PC gaming is dead. This is not a very sensible question. But I, a Mac owner, wonder daily if Mac…
The announcement I've been waiting for ever since ZeniMax Online Studios was founded has finally arrived: there's a m…
Bethesda will release a massively multiplayer online version of its popular The Elder Scrolls series next year for…
"Skyrim Steam Workshop downloads are over 13.6 million," Bethesda said on Twitter today. "PC mods FTW." Wondering…

They've sort of added multiplayer to Skyrim via the game's new Kinect voice-control update. Not real multiplayer.…
Skyrim's first piece of downloadable content, Dawnguard, will be out this summer for Xbox 360, publisher Bethesda…
Bethesda has released a full list of voice commands that will be supported in Skyrim's Kinect patch, which comes out…

Skyrim's Kinect update will go live tomorrow, Bethesda said this afternoon on its blog. The publisher will also…
Here's a surreal, beautiful photograph of an auroral storm over Arctic Henge in northern Iceland, featured today by…
I never eat food, or even bother picking up food while playing Skyrim, but S Galinsky does - he loves Skyrim food so…
Hints of what's coming next for Skyrim may be buried in the latest patch for Bethesda's hit action/RPG.

It's Freddie Wong. And OK, he's cheating by making a movie out of it, but if he wants to go to all the trouble, he…

Aah, just listen to it. It's a theme we've heard many times, in many different games. These days, when I hear it,…