Last month we alerted you all to the Faces of Skyrim, an online exhibition that focused on displaying the absolute…
An Imgur user has put together reposted an exhaustive list of recurring characters in Elder Scrolls games—from Ar…
Photographer Andrew Cull and some friends have held a little contest to see who can take the best "portraits" of…

Skywind, the ambitious mod which seeks to transplant The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind into the much more…

Remember Frontiers? It's basically The Elder Scrolls as created by two indies, and now it's getting hang gliders on…
Vendayn is a mod for Skyrim that transforms the idyllic Nordic landscape into something out of STALKER.
Skyrim's NPCs have been toiling through their clockwork lives like, well, clockwork since 2011. It's time for a…
Kirk says Tropical Skyrim is a "tragedy". I say "IT'S LIKE SKYRIM BUT WITH FAR CRY 3". Whatever your stance on what…
Inventories in video games? They matter. Rob Sherman, creator of interactive fiction Black Crown, explains why in…

Beyond Skyrim is a series of in-development mods that seek to add lands... well, beyond Skyrim, to The Elder Scrolls…
Reader Sam Balcomb and his wife Kimi celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary this month. Congrats guys! To…

The team behind Skywind, a fan project aimed at transferring Morrowind to the SKyrim engine, have released another…
When something carries a warning that it "will require your first born and a pint of your blood", you know it's…
A redguard adventurer in nord carved armor from Skyrim, as described by its maker, fevereon. You can tell how…
To celebrate The Elder Scrolls Anthology collection, digital artist Hieronymus7z filled his piece—besides the obvious Beatles reference—with heroes, locations and little details from all five Elder Scrolls games. You can see the Imperial City, the Adamantine Tower, the Red Mountain, silt striders and a lot more. Read more

No, as you'll see in this mod, there is a far darker force at play, one that our younger readers (or those tortured…
Gaming Heads will next year be releasing a replica of the Shrine of Talos, giant statues found in the Elder Scrolls…
Hey, it's Harrison Krix. He's built a Nightingale bow from Skyrim. It's the real deal, yo. Well...OK, maybe it's not …

Come for the admirable attempt to recreate Predator using Skyrim. Stay for maybe the best Schwarzenegger…

It's funny that most people dress up as the dude on the cover of Skyrim, because that armour is terrible. Let's get…